
Hyper Hyper Marketing is a digital and database marketing agency.  We make connections through data driven creative.

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Database Marketing

Data Driven Creative

“The success of hundreds of campaigns over 25 years continues to demonstrate we know how to use and analyse data to motivate people to take action ”
Margaux Everett

What is Database Marketing

Databases hold the key to your future customers

Databases hold the key to your future customers, who they are and where they will come from.  Database analysis of contacts, demographics, location, preferences, interests, and other metrics within a profile group play a key role in acquisition marketing.

Database marketing is important to the success of any business because it enables marketers and advertisers to know more information about the people they are communicating with. 

They are then able to segment their database into different audiences and create content that is specific to them.  The more targeted a message is to the recipient, the greater the response rates will be, resulting in more qualified leads and engaged customers.

Understanding how to motivate people within a database to take action based on the information they have received, is the area of specialty of Margaux Everett, Hyper Hyper.

Database Profiling and Nurture

Behaviour analysis through a network of actions

We look for patterns of behaviour from past prospects and how they proceeded along their path to purchase in becoming a customer.

A network of actions, tracked and analysed, to be used as a formula to guide the customer through the predetermined customer sales cycle.

As a digital & database agency, Hyper Hyper has always included the profiling of contact data as part of the acquisition and success of a campaign.

Our campaign microsites are designed to feed the responses directly into your database on the Hyper Hub platform and plot them along the Purchase Cycle for ongoing nurturing.

Are you looking for a database campaign?

Contact hyper Hyper today

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